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Badger Bar (Glen Rothay Hotel)

Pub Heritage Group have recently carried out a regrading of Real Heritage Pubs - click here for full details

Cumbria - Rydal

One star - A pub interior of special national historic interest

Listed Status: II

LA22 9LR

Tel: (015394) 34500

Email: info@theglenrothay.co.uk

Website http://www.theglenrothay.co.uk/

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/glenrothayandbadgerbar

Real Ale: Yes

Lunchtime Meals: Yes

Evening Meals: Yes

Bus: Yes

View on: Whatpub

The bar is in the oldest part of this very traditional hotel, The servery area was reconfigured not that long ago and is not as old as it might look. An archway leads to the drinking area, simply fitted out but with some characterful pre-bar features like the 'Gothick' windows. The dining room next door features spectacular panelling which could well date back to the early 17th century.