We’re excited to introduce our newly revamped website designed to enhance your journey through the world of beer, cider, perry and historic pub interiors. Try the new site at https://www1.camra.org.uk/heritage-pubs. We recommend bookmarking this link.

Local Inventories

Pub Heritage Group encourages Branches to develop Local Inventories (lists) of pub interiors that retain elements of historic interest. These lists will include pubs that do not possess sufficient original layout or historic features to qualify for the national listings. These are heritage pubs which are of Local Interest.

Several CAMRA Branches have taken steps towards producing such listings. These include:
Sunderland and South Tyneside

Such Local Inventories are driven and controlled by Branches and the inclusion criteria are up to them. For example, a Branch could include pubs:
- which are also on the national listings
- which were previously rated by Pub Heritage Group as pubs of some regional interest (SRI) but do not qualify as One Star pubs on the national listings
- which have original interior features, but insufficient to qualify for the national listings
- where the interior has no historic features but the exterior is either (i) of high quality or (ii) has specific features of interest.

We encourage all Branches to look towards creating such lists and taking steps to publicise their work. To assist in developing your Local Inventory, the following resources are available (All three documents below are available as downloads):
Introduction to Local Inventories
Creating a Local Inventory and Publishing a Local Pub Heritage Guide
Introductory PowerPoint presentation

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